Generate positive SEO ROI with our award-winning

UK Based SEO Agency

Your Trusted SEO Agency for Results-Driven Search Engine Optimisation in the UK and abroad. Unlock the full potential of your online presence with Kaleto.Digital’s bespoke SEO agency services for small and medium-sized businesses.

Our expert team is dedicated to helping your web business grow and reach higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved visibility. With a proven track record of success, we tailor SEO strategies to your specific needs. Trust us to propel your business to the top of search results.

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SEO Agency UK
Kaleto Digital Marketing Agency

One Of The Best SEO Agencies In The UK

Unlock the full potential of your online presence with Kaleto.Digital’s SEO agency services. Our expert team is dedicated to optimising your website for higher search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved visibility. With a proven track record of success, we tailor SEO strategies to your specific needs. Trust us to propel your business to the top of search results.

Kaleto.Digital SEO Agency Services

Ecommerce SEO

E-Commerce SEO

E-commerce SEO is a bespoke service at Kaleto.Digital designed to propel your online store to new heights. Our team crafts customised SEO strategies, meticulously optimising your product listings, enhancing site structure, and improving search engine rankings. By maximising your online visibility, we drive more qualified traffic, leading to increased sales and revenue. Your e-commerce success is our mission.

Core Web Vitals

Page Speed Optimisation

Page Speed Optimisation is a critical aspect of SEO. By streamlining your website’s loading times, we ensure that users have a seamless and responsive experience, reducing bounce rates and improving conversion rates. Additionally, search engines prioritise fast-loading sites, contributing to higher search rankings and increased online visibility.

Local SEO

Local SEO

Local SEO is a targeted strategy that ensures your business appears prominently in local search results. By optimising your online presence, such as your website, Google My Business profile, and local directories, you increase your chances of being discovered by potential customers in your vicinity. This focused approach enhances your local reputation and drives foot traffic and online inquiries, ultimately establishing your business as a local authority.

SEO Consultant

SEO Consultancy

Entrust search marketing aspirations to Kaleto.Digital’s SEO consultancy and witness your online visibility ascend to new pinnacles. Our team meticulously devises bespoke SEO strategies to optimise your product listings, enhance site architecture, and elevate your search engine rankings. Maximising your online presence, we orchestrate a surge of qualified traffic, propelling your sales and revenue to new heights. Your search marketing triumph is our unwavering mission.

Link Building

Link Building

Elevate your online visibility with Kaleto.Digital’s expert SEO consultancy specialises in link-building strategies. Our dedicated team crafts tailored approaches to bolster your website’s link profile, enhancing its authority and ranking in search engines. By focusing on quality link acquisition, we ensure your site gains prominence and attracts targeted traffic. Our mission is to amplify your online presence, drive sustainable growth, and solidify your digital footprint. Let us guide you in mastering the art of link building for enduring SEO success.

Wordpress SEO

WordPress SEO

Elevate your WordPress site’s search engine rankings with Kaleto.Digital’s unique expertise in WordPress SEO. Our team excels in optimising WordPress blogs and websites, including themes, plugins, and content, to enhance your site’s visibility in search engine results. We focus on a comprehensive approach that balances user experience with search engine friendliness, ensuring your WordPress site looks great and performs exceptionally in rankings. Let us help you transform your WordPress site into a magnet for targeted traffic, paving the way for increased online visibility and success.

SEO Migrations

SEO Migrations

Optimise your website’s transition with Kaleto.Digital’s expertise in SEO migrations services. Our team specialises in seamlessly migrating your site to a new platform or structure while preserving and enhancing its search engine rankings. We meticulously manage every aspect of the migration process, from URL redirections to content optimisation, ensuring your site maintains its SEO value and visibility. Our strategic approach minimises the risk of traffic loss and positions your website for continued success in its new environment. Trust us to guide your website through a smooth SEO migration, setting the stage for robust online performance and growth.



Boost your SaaS platform’s online presence with Kaleto.Digital’s specialised SEO services. Our team is skilled in crafting SEO strategies tailored specifically for SaaS businesses, focusing on enhancing your platform’s visibility in search engine results. We optimise your website’s structure, content, and keywords to attract and engage your target audience. With our expertise, your SaaS platform will rank higher in search results and become more accessible to potential customers, driving growth and solidifying your position in the competitive SaaS market. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your SaaS offering with our dedicated SEO services.

Digital PR

Digital PR

Elevate your brand’s online presence with Kaleto.Digital’s comprehensive Digital PR services. Our team specialises in crafting and executing innovative digital PR strategies that enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation online. We focus on building strong relationships with online influencers, creating impactful content, and leveraging social media platforms to amplify your message. Our approach ensures your brand gains significant exposure and establishes a lasting positive impression in the digital landscape. Partner with us to take your digital public relations to new heights and watch your brand thrive in the interconnected world of digital media.

Penalty recovery

Penalty Recovery

Revitalise your website’s search engine standing with Kaleto.Digital’s expert SEO penalty recovery services. Our team is adept at diagnosing and resolving issues that lead to search engine penalties, such as Google’s algorithmic updates or manual actions. We focus on comprehensive SEO audits, strategic content revisions, and backlink profile cleanup to restore your site’s credibility and rankings. Our targeted approach helps recover from penalties and fortifies your website against future issues, ensuring sustained SEO success. Trust us to guide your website to a strong position in search engine results, overcoming challenges and paving the way for renewed growth and visibility.

Techinical SEO

technical SEO

Enhance your website’s performance and search engine compatibility with Kaleto.Digital’s technical SEO services. Our skilled team excels in addressing the technical aspects of SEO, ensuring your website is fully optimised for search engines. We focus on improving site speed, mobile responsiveness, overall website architecture and ensuring proper indexing and crawlability. Our services include detailed audits and implementing advanced SEO techniques to ensure your website meets and exceeds search engine standards. With our technical SEO expertise, your website will be primed for top search engine rankings, offering a seamless user experience that drives traffic and engagement.

International SEO services

International SEO

Give your website’s search engine rank a makeover with our expert International SEO services at Kaleto.Digital. Our team has all the skills to find and fix problems that cause search engine penalties like changes in Google’s algorithm. We are great at looking over everything, making good plans for changing content, and cleaning up backlinks to make your site trusted and secure for the rankings again. Our method is all about picking up from problems and making your website stronger against any future problems, ensuring your SEO keeps working well. Count on us to help your website find a top spot in the search engine results, over the tough parts and show a path for more growth and visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SEO agency?

An SEO agency specializes in optimizing websites to improve their visibility and rankings on search engines like Google. They use a variety of strategies and techniques to help businesses attract more organic traffic from search engines, which can lead to increased brand awareness, more leads, and higher sales.

What services does an SEO agency provide?

SEO agencies provide various SEO services designed to improve a website’s search engine performance. These services typically include keyword research, on-page optimization (such as improving meta tags and content), technical SEO (addressing site speed and mobile-friendliness), link building (acquiring high-quality backlinks), and content creation. They may also offer additional services like SEO audits, competitor analysis, and ongoing performance tracking.

How can an SEO agency help my business?

An SEO agency can help your business by increasing your website’s visibility on search engines, which drives more organic traffic and offers a positive SEO ROI. This increased traffic can lead to higher conversion rates and boost sales and revenue. Additionally, a well-optimized website can enhance user experience, improve brand credibility, and provide valuable insights through analytics and reporting.

Alternatively, you can use our SEO Calculator to explore the possibilities of SEO as a marketing channel.

What is the cost of hiring an SEO agency?

The cost of hiring an SEO agency varies widely depending on the scope of work, the agency’s experience, and the competitiveness of your industry. Prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand pounds per month. Some agencies offer fixed packages, while others provide customized plans based on your needs and goals. Choosing an agency that offers a good balance of quality and affordability is important.

How do I choose the right SEO agency for my business?

Choosing the right SEO agency involves evaluating several factors. Look for an agency with a proven track record of success, demonstrated through case studies and client testimonials. Ensure they use ethical, white-hat SEO techniques to avoid search engine penalties. It’s also important to consider their experience in your industry, their transparency in communication, and their willingness to customize strategies to fit your business needs.

What is the difference between an SEO agency and a digital marketing agency?

An SEO agency focuses primarily on search engine optimization, aiming to improve a website’s visibility and rankings on search engines. In contrast, a digital marketing agency offers a broader range of services, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and sometimes web design and development. While SEO is often a key component of digital marketing, digital marketing agencies provide a more comprehensive approach to online marketing.

How long does it take to see results from SEO services?

SEO results typically take 3 to 6 months to become noticeable, depending on various factors such as the industry’s competitiveness, the current state of your website, and the effectiveness of the strategy implemented. While some improvements might be seen earlier, significant and sustainable results generally require a longer-term commitment to SEO efforts.

Do SEO agencies offer local SEO services?

Yes, many SEO agencies offer local SEO services to help businesses improve their visibility in local search results. These services include optimizing your Google My Business profile, creating localized content, building local citations, and ensuring your website is mobile-friendly. Local SEO is particularly important for businesses that rely on customers from specific geographic areas.

Can an SEO agency help with content creation?

Yes, many SEO agencies assist with content creation as part of their services. They can help develop content that is not only optimized for search engines but also engaging and relevant to your target audience. This includes blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and other forms of web content. Effective content creation is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors and improving your website’s search engine rankings.

Will an SEO agency guarantee top rankings in search engines?

No reputable SEO agency can guarantee top rankings in search engines due to the constantly changing nature of search algorithms and the competitive nature of many industries. However, a good SEO agency can significantly improve your site’s visibility and rankings through proven strategies and ongoing optimization efforts. They should focus on long-term growth and sustainable practices rather than quick, potentially harmful shortcuts.

How often will I receive updates and reports?

Most SEO agencies provide regular updates and reports on a monthly basis, detailing the progress and performance of your SEO campaigns. So do we – we will update you on progress on a monthly basis. These reports typically include data on keyword rankings, organic traffic, backlink profiles, and other key performance indicators. Regular communication ensures that you are kept informed about the effectiveness of the SEO efforts and any necessary adjustments to the strategy.

Contact us today

Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to explore how we can help you, we are here to listen and provide solutions. Your inquiries are important to us, and we are committed to delivering prompt and efficient support. Feel free to reach out at your convenience, and let’s start the conversation to address your needs and achieve your goals.

0151 660 6636

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